As we reach the end of another year I like to reflect on my spiritual progress. Step Twelve is a timely reminder that I have had a spiritual awakening, I have coped with life’s ups and downs and all its challenges without the need to suppress my feelings and emotions with alcohol. This gift has come through the amazing Programme of recovery I found in AA. For me this is a journey of progress rather than perfection where I can show my gratitude by being of service in carrying the message. I see the Twelve Steps, Traditions and Concepts as the way in which I wish to live. This blueprint for my life guarantees continuing progress along the spiritual path I have chosen and supports me in being of service, not just in AA but in my local community.
Tradition Twelve is the spiritual foundation which keeps me aware that maintaining my anonymity is important but there are times where I can be of service by choosing to break that on a personal level. By being totally honest with myself and placing my trust in my Higher Power I can focus on our AA principles and continue to carry the AA message.
This month we included the theme of Prison. Due to the wonderful response we cannot publish all the articles this month so we will publish the rest in our January issue. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write articles for Share.
May I also remind you that a wonderful service opportunity is available in the Prison Postal Service. Steve Hexter General Service Office (GSO) is the Prison Postal Service (PPS) co-ordinator. This is a completely anonymous service with prisoners writing to a central PO Box and then Steve posts on the letters to the member’s home addresses. An A4 information flyer is available for anyone who wants to become a prison postal sponsor. For more information please contact Steve at: [email protected]
And finally, there are two vacancies for Share so please do read the flyers and get in touch if you would like more information regarding these roles.
Wishing you all a happy, peaceful and sober end to what has been, for many, a challenging year.