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Personality Change

TRADITION Twelve tells me that I must put principles before personalities. What an order! Does this mean that my personality must be hidden? Maybe it means I have to keep quiet about things that bother me or upset me? It has taken me a while to fully understand this Tradition. Probably because I wasn’t ready and had mistakes to make, that I would hopefully learn from.

I now know (or think I know) that these are guidelines to living a sober life by. Honesty, fairness, and equality are some of them, as is behaving in a moral way. My morals were very loose when I was drinking, and it feels good to improve them.

My personality was one of arguments, temper, and dishonesty. A life of fighting for everything and giving very little back. In the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, I have learned that the principles to live my life by are the opposite of my past life.

Today, I wish to do for others what was done for me through the Fellowship. I wish to remain anonymous if I do a good turn, and to practice the principles of AA on a daily basis. With the help of my sponsor and my God, I can sometimes get through a whole day without pushing my personality on anyone or anything. To remain quiet and take a ‘beat’ rather than rushing into anything. It is a lesson that has taken years to learn, and I am without doubt, still learning. Thank you Share for all your hard work. I am Jojo and alcoholic, and always a work in progress.

JOJO, Reeth