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Share September 2023

Share Magazine September 2023 cover image

Dear Reader

How challenging Step Nine can be. Am I procrastinating? convincing myself that I will do harm? Now that I’ve made my list and become willing to make amends – have I got the strength to face them? Not on my own, for sure. I need all the spiritual strength I can garner, through connecting with my Higher Power, to truly recognise where I could do more harm than good, at this time. I remain willing to make those amends, that I need to defer, when the time is right. Such discernment takes courage, strength, and a massive amount of honest support from my sponsor and others whom I trust. I can only harness that support when I’m willing to accept whatever comes my way without shame or guilt. True remorse is not built on shame and guilt but on a deep feeling of humility and strength.

I also came to understand some things are buried so deep within that it can take years for them to resurface. Trust in my Higher Power enables me to seek the right action to take – as and when the need arises.

Tradition Nine reminds us that rotating leadership in all aspects of AA – always guided in the spirit of service – is one of the foundations of our wonderful Fellowship and that universal respect is key. Our Traditions Checklist pamphlet poses the question, “Have I learned to step out of an AA job gracefully – and profit thereby – when the time comes?” Have I? and do I gently encourage others into service by sharing how service has enhanced my recovery journey – attraction rather than promotion.

If you think the articles printed are always from the same people – that’s because they are the ones who send in articles! We can only publish what we get.

The members of the SHARE Team do not write the articles – members of the Fellowship need to.

We have seen an increase in article submissions recently – and for that the Team are extremely grateful.

Have you sent in an article sharing your personal experience, strength and hope? – recently?

For me, living amends are a vital part of this amazing spiritual journey of recovery – and AA service is part of those amends.