I poured out my heart to God
As the year draws to a close there is the inevitable list of resolutions which are identified. As a recovering alcoholic, my first resolution must be to stay away from alcohol one day at a time. It may sound negative but it has positive consequences which are limitless.
That abstinence may be through willpower and stubbornness, but if that’s the case it would soon evaporate. I had no difficulty stopping drinking for good but found it impossible to stay stopped. It was only when I poured out my heart to God telling him what he already knew, did I find that the desire to lift a drink stayed away.
My life had become unmanageable and I had to tell my Higher Power that fact, reinforcing my own acceptance of what had become a tragic reality.
Since that day I have not yet wanted to lift another drink. There have been daft notions along the lines of “I wonder what it would be like now?” but up until today I’ve been kept from the stupidity of lifting that fatal beverage.
Today I have so much for which to be thankful. Recently retired, I live with my lovely wife and step-daughter and have contact with AA friends all over the world. Most importantly I have that living active relationship with the Higher Power who knows all about me yet loves me just the same.
With kind regards, yours aye. Donald