Dear Reader
By the time we get to Step Eleven on our recovery journey, our spiritual awareness has often become stronger. I was certainly ready to embrace the idea of keeping a constant conscious contact with my Higher Power and to be guided through all my daily challenges – not always easy to actually do. For this, prayer and meditation helped me to build a deeper trust and to find the strength to really connect. When I’m at peace and connected to my inner self and my Higher Power, I can trust my intuition and find the guidance I need. Life has many challenges, and ups and downs, which is a daily adventure to be embraced. Thankfully, my solution today is to embrace the AA Programme of recovery – using whatever tools I need to deal with whatever life throws at me and not drowning my fears, feelings and emotions with alcohol. What a gift!
With Tradition Eleven, I am continually aware that living a spiritual life has responsibilities though it’s not about promoting or preaching how others should live - it’s about living a life of unity, service and recovery. There is an attractiveness around someone who can truly live life on life’s terms – they have an aura of serenity which is calm and peaceful.
Our additional theme next month is ‘PRISON’ remembering that Alcoholics Anonymous has been continuously present in UK prisons for more than 50 years and many people, both within the walls and on the outside, have found that AA has made a difference to their lives. The Prison Postal Service simply enables inmates to correspond with prison sponsors - via our service address – so that we may share our strength, hope, and experience. Do email Steve at [email protected] if you are interested in this service.
As June 2025 will be the 90th Anniversary of the founding of AA, Share is looking for articles on Gratitude – the shorter the better – to give as many Fellows as possible the opportunity to be published.
In addition, why not share through Share what the Steps, Traditions or Concepts have meant to you in your recovery journey – we really need your articles a couple of months before the relevant month.
We look forward to hearing from you.