Step 10 - I struggled to admit I was wrong for most of my life before getting sober - I was never wrong; it was everyone else who wronged me. Time and time again, I was the victim. It took me a long time to be able to honestly admit when I needed to make amends for something. I used to hear a local member talk about being able to put their head on the pillow at the end of the day and say thank you - I used to put my head down at the end of the day and just hope I didn’t wake up. Over time I learnt to be grateful for my day, I learned to run through a quick inventory of what had happened during the past 24 hours and weigh up if I needed to rectify anything - especially if it required making amends to someone. I don’t see it as a weakness any more to apologise to someone or admit I didn’t quite get it right - it’s OK.
Step 12 asks us to carry the message and thank you to those who have shared their own experiences in this issue through articles. Writing an article for Roundabout is a really valuable piece of service for the Fellowship. It helps carry the message to other alcoholics (in and out of the rooms) and you never know who you might encourage to attend their first meeting. It can also help those in service positions and those in rural areas who use our magazine to help provide the ‘weekly share’.
Thank you
Cath W
Editor, [email protected]
1 Preamble
2 Subcommittee Noticeboard
3 Editorial
4 Step 10
5 The End Of A Nightmare
6 AA One Liners and Wordsearch
7 A Note Of Gratitude
8 Steps 10, 11 And 12
10 Support Your Local Intergroup
11 2024 Roundabout Themes
12 What Matters Today
14 A Bridge To Normal Living
15 Scottish National Convention
16 Articles and Photos
i-iv Group Changes, Intergroup & Region
17 Out And About With Roundabout
18 The Roundabout Interview
21 Wordsearch Answers
22 A Personal Message...
24 Out Of Control
25 Subscription Form
26 Extracts From AA Literature
28 Reverse
31 Living One Day At A Time
32 The Twelve Concepts
33 The Twelve Traditions