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Telephones terms of reference

  • to maintain the existing telephone system, to enable the suffering alcoholic access to a local contact through a single national telephone number, in a manner which is efficient, effective and economic
  • to keep the use and cost of the system under constant review
  • to be responsible for all changes to the system and to liaise with the system providers following consultation with Region
  • to investigate any new technology which may be beneficial to the Fellowship’s telephone service
  • to keep a constant review of the facilities offered by other service providers

The Committee is a sub committee of the Board and will be chaired by the Trustee with responsibility for the telephone service.

Membership will comprise of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 members, this may vary from time to time, dependent on workload, with approval of the Board

These members are drawn from participating Regions, who are suitably experienced to participate in committee functions. Where possible this will recognise geographical spread.

Membership of the Committee will be for a period of four years, allowing one year for sponsorship, thus the committee will be increased during sponsorship periods.