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Telephones terms of reference


  • To maintain the existing telephone system, to enable the suffering alcoholic access to a local contact through a single national telephone number, in a manner which is efficient, effective, and economic in line with Chapter 10 of the AA Service Handbook


  • To keep the use and cost of the system under constant review.
  • To be responsible for all changes to the National Telephone (0800) system and to liaise with the providers following consultation with Regions.
  • To investigate any new technology which may be beneficial to the Fellowship’s telephone service.
  • To ensure that adherence to the Traditions is maintained throughout and to promote our Primary Purpose.
  • To keep a constant review of the present service, to update and improve where necessary.


The committee is a sub-committee of the General Service Board and will be chaired by the Trustee with responsibility for the telephone service. Membership will normally consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of eight members drawn from participating Regions, who are suitably experienced to participate in committee functions. SUB-COMMITTEE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES

  • NTSC liaison – will maintain contact with local helplines, RTLOs and TLOs.
  • NTSC Statistician – produce quarterly, and annual statistics for local helplines. Daily monitoring of the national helpline from the service provider. Monitoring for inappropriate calls or misuse of the service.
  • NTSC Newsletter editor- to produce the autumn and spring edition based on information gathered from the RTLO seminar, from helplines or the fellowship as it pertains to telephone services.