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I thought my world had ended

Never in my life did I ever think I would end up going to AA. Little did I know that this would be the best thing I had ever done for myself. When I found myself drinking every day and awful things happening to me, it was everyone else’s fault, never mine.

I didn’t think I had done anything wrong to anyone; I was full of the ‘poor me’s’. I attended my first AA meeting in October 2009 and I thought my world had come to an end. I was a clever, intelligent woman, I had a good job, beautiful flat, lovely car. I could make right decisions in everything except alcohol.

I had never heard of “Don’t take the first drink” and thought that was just unbelievable. However, for this alcoholic the best thing anyone said to me was, “Just keep coming back”. I fought it tooth and nail, as I knew better. I would leave the meeting and buy drink. It took me a few months to finally put the drink down.

I got eight months of sobriety and then decided now was the time to get a sponsor, which I did. She took me through the 12 Steps which I found hard, as I was perfect as I was. I had not realised that I was carrying a load of resentments and was full character defects.
However, thanks to the Programme I managed to work through it all with my sponsor. I have learned so much about myself and now live an entirely different life.

I have peace in my heart, contentment and make amends promptly. I have two home groups which have enhanced my sobriety and I feel Iike I belong – which is wonderful as I was never wanted anywhere else. In AA I have found ‘my kind of people’; they understand me. The gifts AA has given me, money cannot buy.

This is such a wonderful Fellowship. God bless you all.
