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MK Intergroup Service Positions


The holder of this post will usually have served on Intergroup for a number of years, having held one or more of the offices. The period of service is three years, after which the Chair should rotate out. The Chair has the responsibility of convening and conducting the meetings, and approving the agenda and minutes before they are published.


The Vice-Chair has the responsibility of conducting the meeting in the absence of the Chair.


The Secretary has the responsibility with the Chair for preparing the agenda and minutes of meetings and for distributing these documents to the Groups well before meetings so that there is ample time to discuss the contents. The Secretary deals with all correspondence, passing for example requests for speakers to outside organisations to the Public Information officer or a suitable member. The Secretary keeps in touch with the General Service Office making sure that it promptly has a copy of the minutes and notice of any change of officer.


The Treasurer has the responsibility for keeping a proper account of all Intergroup finances and ensuring that funds are available for its essential current requirements with a prudent reserve of, say, two months’ estimated expenditure. The Treasurer reports to Intergroup the balance remaining for prompt transfer through the service structure to the General Service Office.

Prison Liaison Officer

The Prison Liaison Officer should gather and collate all information about the prison Groups in their area (including open prisons, Young Offenders Institutions etc.) and forward the information to their Regions and to GSO.

Telephone Liaison Officer

The Telephone Liaison Officer co-ordinates the working of the Telephone Service.

Public Information Officer

A Public Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that information about the A.A. message and programme of recovery is conveyed to outside organisations to the best possible advantage. The provision of a panel of members to comply with requests for speakers is an important part of this activity.

Region Representatives

Region Representatives keep each body, Region and Intergroup, aware of business transacted at the other. Each Intergroup may send three voting representatives, whilst other AA members may attend as observers. Milton Keynes belongs to the Eastern Region, which meets in The community centre Baldock.

Electronic Communications Liaison Officer

The ECLO is responsible for the Milton Keynes Intergroup website, keeping meeting details up-to-date using information supplied by local members, and for forwarding of emails to the relevant officers.

Health Liaison Officer

The Health Liaison Officer co-ordinates all hospital and related activities in the local area.

Share Liaison Officer

Share Liaison Officers provide the essential contacts between members, Groups and editorial teams. They actively encourage the contribution of articles and letters and the promotion of the magazines.

Where to Find Officer

The Where to Find Officer is responsible for keeping the local where to find up to date and to produce new copies every three months to coincide with Milton Keynes Intergroup meetings.