Dear Reader
Yes, it’s another new year and once again January brings changes to Share magazine. We have been asked to trial making Share more accessible to our readers by increasing the font size where possible, which means more pages. Do let us have your feedback - we welcome any comments you may have.
Being totally honest, particularly with myself, can be extremely challenging. Too harsh or too lenient – and I lose balance in my life. Step One, for me, demands rigorous honesty and acceptance about my powerlessness over alcohol every day - that is where my recovery started and where it continues. As I make progress through this spiritual Programme of recovery, my increased self-awareness helps me deal with and accept the reality of life. Challenges no longer disappear with the help of a bottle but are faced with as much strength and courage as I have at any given time. Rigorous honesty with myself no longer means that awful feeling of hopelessness but celebrating the positives and continuing to work through the behaviours that no longer serve a purpose in my life. Altered attitudes allow me to deal with challenges in a more manageable way.
How honest can I be when applying Tradition One in my life? Putting my recovery first does not mean everything has to be how I want it. Being part of this Fellowship emphasises how important it is to be aware of our common welfare not just within AA but in every aspect of our lives. As always, a challenge - and it does take time to unravel all the ways in which we put selfish wants first. I find that the Traditions checklist is an absolute must when I am reflecting on ways in which I can improve my own behaviours. We will continue to publish the Traditions checklist each month and will look at publishing the Traditions Illustrated when updating is completed – probably through 2025.
In this issue, we have included the rest of the articles on The Joy of Sobriety, which we couldn’t fit in the December issue, as well as the articles we have received on Step and Tradition One. Thank you for continuing to send us your personal experience, strength, and hope – but please remember to send Step, Tradition, Concept, or themed article at least a couple of months in advance.
Whatever challenges this year brings – honesty, particularly with ourselves, is always at the forefront of our recovery.