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Tradition 7 Contributions

Tradition 7 states that “Every A. A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions”. Since the Covid-19 crisis started there has been a significant reduction in Tradition 7 contributions right across the board. This is causing major problems for AA and our Intergroup is no exception. It seems to be a general trend that fewer people are attending meetings and that Zoom meetings in particular attract very little in contributions even though the bank details for most of them are displayed during the meeting.

Southdown Intergroup Bank Details changed from 10th November 2022

New bank account details

Bank: Unity Trust Bank

Sort code: 60-83-01

Account number: 20467319

Account name: Southdown Intergroup

Online banking is encouraged but cheques can also be sent in the usual manner.

It is always helpful to add the AA Group Id number (the Group Id in this list) in any covering letter or in the online banking reference.

For Gratitude Pot contributions please make this clear in the reference as well.