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Vacant Service Positions

Service Officers should be able to attend Intergroup meetings every other month, making a short verbal report of any activities undertaken and should have an established period of continuous sobriety, ideally not less than two years:

Employment Liaison Officer
The Employment Liaison Officer assumes responsibility for interfacing with all sectors of commerce and industry, developing and maintaining contact lists. The focus of the task is closely linked with that of the Public Information Rep, so that close coordination between these two posts is essential. It is also helpful to be in contact with the Prison and Health Reps with the aim of forming a committee of fellow AAs willing to pass the message. The committee can then coordinate with employers by informing them about AA, what we are, what we can and cannot do. We let them know we are available to help in any way we can when they call on us.

Armed Services Liaison Officer
The Armed Services Officer Liaison Officer is a specialist area of Public Information who help to carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic. They aim to help service personnel and veterans who may have a drinking problem. The role includes offers of services and make suggestions to service employers, medical staff, the military clergy, and other military welfare staff. They provide presentations to groups who wish to understand how AA works, information, and literature to help dispel myths about alcoholism and provide clarity.

Health Liaison Officer
The Health Liaison Officer is responsible for establishing links with health professionals and co-ordinating all aspects of carrying the message within the healthcare system.

The SHARE Liaison Officer
The SHARE Liaison Officer provide the essential contacts between members, groups, and the editorial teams. They actively encourage the contribution of articles and letters and the promotion of the magazines.

All position descriptions can be found here.

Updated 17.09.2023