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Intergroup Service

This page has information about the City of London Intergroup Service Positions

An intergroup should appoint a chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer and members with other responsibilities as its officers. These officers should have an established period of sobriety, ideally not less than two years. Every intergroup depends on the service contribution of AA members for its continuity of activities, so get involved as much as you can.

Vacant Service Positions
It is suggested that Liaison Officers work together through a service committee structure.

How to Apply for a Position?
All service positions at Intergroup level require a minimum amount of sobriety years; others could benefit from prior knowledge of the service structure and AA literature, for example. If an existing officer is rotating out of the position, you may also have the chance to be sponsored into the role, either by this person, or another Intergroup officer.

Summary descriptions of Service Roles are listed below:

The Chair has the responsibility of convening and conducting the meetings, and approving the agenda and minutes before they are published. The chair will carry the executive authority of intergroup but should account for any action taken at the next meeting. The chair guides the Intergroup meeting. He/she is the key holder and has the responsibility for opening/locking up. Maintain an up to date list of attending GSRs and service officers. Distribute minutes, agenda and relevant information to the intergroup participants. A knowledge of the AA Traditions, Concepts and GDPR guidance is helpful for the role.

The Vice Chair has the responsibility of conducting the meeting in the absence of the Chair.

The secretary is in charge of taking the notes during the intergroup meeting, editing the content and sharing them with the chair and intergroup participants, including GSRs and service officers.

The Public Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that information about the AA message and programme of recovery is conveyed to outside organisations to the best possible advantage. The provision of a panel of members to comply with requests for speakers is an important part of this activity.

See the AA Service Handbook (page 17) for full information about this role.

The City of London Intergroup has two Regional Rep positions. The Regional Rep will attend all intergroup meetings to report from the region and to hear from the intergroup their wishes to be expressed at the next regional meeting. Some prior qualifications for the role are recommended, such as having at least three years continuous sobriety, knowledge of the AA service structure is acquired, a good working knowledge of the following AA publications: Alcoholics Anonymous, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, AA Comes of Age, the latest edition of The AA Structure and Service Handbooks for Great Britain, The AA Service Manual.

Please get in touch with Intergroup and refer to the AA Structure Handbook (page 88) for further information about this role.

Like any other AA service, the primary purpose of those involved in archival work is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Archivist is the person responsible for the collection, its documents and items by AA. He or she takes care of, and maintains, the physical integrity of the collection and is instrumental in its further development. The Archivist is also responsible for ensuring the protection of the anonymity of its members and the confidentiality of the AA records.

See the AA Service Handbook (page 67) for full information about this role.

The role of the Probation officer is to establish a good relationship with the intergroup’s local Probation/Criminal Justice Service department(s), in this way, enabling contact and carrying the message to those in probation.

See the AA Service Handbook (page 59) for full information about this role.

A Prison Liaison Officer should gather and collate all information about the prison groups in their area (including open prisons, Young Offenders Institutions etc.) and forward the information to their regions and to GSO. He or she should also keep informed via their region and GSO on Home Office and Conference policy with regard to special subjects, such as parole, the use of AA tapes and other AA published material, to help prison sponsors with any problems which may arise in the area. The General Service Office and General Service Board maintain excellent contact with the Prison Department of the Home Office, and intergroups should communicate with GSO regarding any problems which may arise.

See the AA Service Handbook (page 57) for full information about this role.


An Armed Services Liaison Officer is responsible for establishing local links with the Royal Navy, the Army, the Royal Air Force and any other organisation that is connected with the Armed Services. The initial role will be to provide information about what AA can and cannot do, always remembering that the Fellowship is committed to remaining non-professional. This can be done in the form of presentations, attending to by-invitation events, setting up event stands and being available for direct 12-step work with the still suffering alcoholics within these institutions.

See the AA Service Handbook (page 31) for full information about this role.

The treasurer is responsible for looking after the intergroup financial affairs, including but not limited to: Overlooking incoming / outgoing funds, rent payment, offer financial suggestions to intergroup members on how to best spend funds, make transfer to region, liaise with officers whenever there is a need for expenditure on their behalf, and more.

Ready to apply?

Then, follow these steps:

1. Get in touch with an officer from City of London Intergroup to express your interest in the position or by contacting the General Service Office on +44 (0)190 464 4026 and ask for a contact detail for any of the City Intergroup officers.

2. Attend the next City of London Intergroup meeting (info on this page)

3. Come to the meeting with an AA Service CV highlighting your service history, sobriety length, and anything else that you may find relevant and supportive of you getting the position. The CV can be presented in writing or verbally, it’s entirely up to you.

Please note: Whether there is one or many applicants, every new officer position will be elected by the existing officers using a voting system, guided by the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of AA.