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GSR Welcome Pack and Info

This page contains information for new and aspiring GSRs

The Group Service Representative (GSR) Role

The GSR is the vital link between the groups and the local and national services. The GSR represents the voice of the group conscience, reporting the groups’ wishes to the committee member and to the delegate, who passes them on to the Conference and to the movement.

For more details about the GSR role and responsibilities, please see the AA Structure Handbook (page 80).

How will being a GSR help me?

An increase in self-confidence, an ability to handle responsibility, greater humility, a much wider circle of friends, improved organisational skills, a better perspective of the bigger AA picture, a feeling of usefulness and a greatly enhanced recovery are all benefits that past GSRs have mentioned.

How do I become a GSR?

If you are interested or the call is made for volunteers, then consult your sponsor and experienced members of your group. They will certainly know if you are ready for this service position.

Information for New GSRs
Here we gathered some information for you to get started in your new role as a GSR and help you support your meeting straight away.

Updating meeting details for existing meeting & new meetings

If your meeting already exists, the first step as a GSR is to ensure that its details are correct and up to date. Please use the ‘Where to Find’ page to find your meeting details and check.
If the details are incorrect or outdated, please use the Pink Form Page to submit the correct details.
If the details are correct, still you can use the Pink Form Page to inform the General Service Office that you are the new GSR for your meeting. Remember that you are the main link between your meeting and the rest of AA, so having the details correct is key.
If you are registering a new meeting, guess what page you will need? – Yes, the Pink Form Page.

Welcome Pack for GSRs

Make sure to read the AA Structure Handbook (page 111) to learn more about the role and responsibilities of the GSR
The Big Book (fourth Edition) online
Download the AA Preamble if you wish to print to use in the meeting
The AA Service Handbook digital format
The AA 12 Traditions Checklist
The AA 12 Concepts Checklist
The Pot: Where AA Money and Spirituality Mix leaflet
The AA 12 Concepts Illustrated
The AA GB online shop for literature and more

Congratulations on your new role!

If you have any questions about the GSR role, feel free to get in touch with the City of London Intergroup and we will be happy to help answer your questions.
