Electronic Services
Electronic Communications South Midlands
This page is intended to be helpful to Intergroup ECLOs and Region Officers.
Note: Further information can be found on the Electronic Communications section of the AA Website under Member>Service>Disciplines.and the Electronic Communications Sub-Committee section in Members>Service>Vacancies
All Intergroups and Regions have microsite space allocated on the AA website.
This can be found at Members>Regional & Local Websites
The site content can be edited using the Microsite Content Editor
As ECLO you should have a username and password to access the Microsite Editor for your Intergroup. If you do not have these, please email a request to ecomm.sm@aamail.org.
The new aamail.org emails are now set up on webmail. The online inboxes can be accessed at https://webmail.aamail.org where you can then enter your username and password.
Information on accessing your aamail.org inbox can be found here.
Acceptable usage policy can be found here.
To request new email addresses, or for technical help please contact the Helpdesk and select Application for an AA email address in the menu.
File Storage
Each Intergroup and Region can request space in the File Storage Area.
If your Intergroup uses the filestore you should have three usernames and passwords for different levels of access. If you do not have these, please email a request to ecomms.sm@aamail.org before making a request via the link on the File Storage Area.
The Electronic Communications guidelines are being updated at conference this year.
Click to view Chapter 3: AA and Electronic Communications (Showing revisions)
Online Response Service (Email Responder)
The Online Response Service (ORS) has been running for a number of years. The main purpose of the ORS Help Desk is to put the still suffering alcoholic in touch with the AA Telephone Service or an AA Group and provide them with information about AA and the 12 Step Programme along with an AA starter pack.
Two years continuous sobriety is recommended as well as a good understanding of the AA Programme, 12 Step work, the Traditions and Guidelines. Applications will need to be sponsored by their Intergroup or Region.
ORS Job description
ORS Handout Flier
ORS Application Form (Word doc here)
ORS Email Flier (with active links)
Chat Now Service (Responder)
The Chat Now Service was established by Conference 2016. Its aim is to allow users of our website (particularly newcomers) interactive contact with a member of the Fellowship for information.
It requires a team of volunteers who will work shifts of approximately two hours duration. Training will be given, and responders will be expected to make themselves available online throughout each shift.
Two years continuous sobriety is recommended as well as a good understanding of the AA Programme, 12 Step work, the Traditions and Guidelines. Applications will need to be sponsored by their Intergroup or Region.
If you would like to apply to be a Chat Now Responder, please read the job description and download the application form.
Current Chat Now guidelines can be found in the Document Library
Online Confidential Directory
This directory is for use by the Liaison Officers who are listed within it ONLY.