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How do I?

Here you’ll find answers to some frequently asked questions by Intergroup officers and GSRs.

You can find the form to register a new meeting or update an existing meeting’s details (such as time or venue) at the link below.

If you are an officer of the West Dorset Intergroup you can have an AA mail email address such as To get your email fill out the Intergroup and Region Officer Registration form linked below and get an another officer from Intergroup to send it from an AA mail account to

GSRs are not eligible to get AA Mail email addresses unless you’re also an Officer at Intergroup. To protect your anonymity, we recommend setting up a generic gmail or Outlook email address for your group that can then be passed to the next GSR when you rotate out of service.

More Information

You can find more information about getting access to files and services on the Helpdesk page. If you’d like more help, West Dorset Intergroup members can contact