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Poles in the UK

“Poles in the U.K” Intergroup / Intergrupa “Polacy w UK” (informacja po polsku dostępna w dziale “Description in Polish” (opis działań intergrupy po polsku).

Our aims:

“Poles in the U. K. ” Intergroup aims to:

  • Support our groups in the common purpose of carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholics
  • Reach the places where Poles are present but Polish speaking AA groups are scarce
  • Develop and maintain good relations between Polish speaking groups in the UK and both British and Polish AA structures
  • Share articles between our official AA magazines
  • Raise awareness of Polish AA fellowship presence in the UK within local AA structures, so that every potential Polish newcomer can find us easier to reach

What does Poles in the UK Intergroup do?

  • we sent out our two languages cards with AA helpline number to the Polish shops and churches across UK in regions, where are no Polish speaking AA groups.
  • we liaise between Polish (WyspiAArze) and British (Share, Roundabout) AA magazines by translate and exchange our articles.
  • we supply libraries with foreign language sections with copies of Big Book translated into Polish.
  • we aim to raise awareness of Polish speaking Fellowship in UK by visiting Regions meetings and keeping in touch with Intergroups.
  • we inform English speaking Fellowship about Polish speaking meetings, helpines numbers and 12steppers by giving away leaflets.
  • we offer a contact with other nationalities AA members.

Intergroup meets every two months on Sunday mornings on Zoom.
The next meeting will be held on the 09 March 2025 at 10:00 AM.

Meeting ID: 864 0010 3442

Join Zoom Meeting 

More info:

Polish speaking helplines

“Poles in the U.K.” Intergroup comprises 16 meetings per week, taking place all over the UK, some of them occur online, others – face to face.

For further information, please contact


Wirusek Online (Polish)

Monday 12:00–13:00

ZACZYNAMY ?Y? (Polish speaking)

Monday 18:30–20:00 Low Moor Community Centre, 35 Edmonton Place, Blackpool, FY2 0UT

Cardiff Freedom Polish Speaking

Monday 19:00–20:00 Dom Polski, 174 Newport Rd, Cardiff, CF24 1DL

Wirusek Polish Speaking Online

Tuesday 12:00–13:00

Wolnosc Slowa Doncaster Polish Speaking Online

Tuesday 19:30–20:30

To Dziala Polish Speaking Online

Tuesday 20:30–21:30

Towarzystwo Szubrawców 1817 (Polish Speaking) Online

Tuesday 22:30–23:30

Wirusek Polish Speaking Online

Wednesday 12:00–13:00

Wirusek Polish Speaking Online

Thursday 12:00–13:00

Exeter Jezyk Serca Polish Speaking Hybrid

Thursday 18:00–19:00 The Sacred Heart Church, 25 South St, Exeter, EX1 1EB

Jezyk Serca Polish Speaking Online

Thursday 18:00–19:00

Bristol Przyjaciele Billa W Polish Speaking

Thursday 19:00–20:00 Polish R C Church of the Matka Boska Ostrobramska,, Cheltenham Rd, Bristol, BS6 5RH

Wirusek Polish Speaking Online

Friday 12:00–13:00

Trzezwosc Emocjonalna Polish Speaking Online

Friday 19:00–20:00

Swindon Akceptacja Polish

Friday 19:45–21:15 Salvation Army, 1 Spring Cl, Swindon, SN1 2BF

Wolnosc Slowa Polish Speaking Online

Saturday 08:00–09:00


Saturday 11:00–12:15 Northolt Village Community Centre, The Manor House, Ealing Rd, EALING, UB5 6AD

Akceptacja Polish Online

Saturday 12:00–13:15

Krok po Kroku Polish Speaking Online

Saturday 19:00–20:00

Droga do Trzezwosci Polish Speaking Online

Sunday 12:30–13:30


Sunday 17:00–18:00 Our Lady of Ostrabama Polish RC Church, Cheltenham Rd, BRISTOL, BS6 5RH


Sunday 19:00–20:00 St Maria Goretti Presbytery, Gamull Ln, Ribbleton, PRESTON, PR2 6SJ