Latest News
2nd June 2020
Chit System and Online Groups
The reporting of attendance is not part of AA procedure, but members can ‘self-report’ as having attended an AA meeting at the request of their Probation Officer or other referring agency. The use of ‘chits’ is AA’s well-established system of self-reporting. The chit system was endorsed by Conference in 1987 and 2009 and extended to all areas of Health, Employment and Social Services at Conference 2017.
Each AA group is autonomous and can therefore decide whether to use the chit system or not. But for those groups that do and are requested to provide a chit for attendance at an online meeting it is suggested that the group secretary fills in the chit as they previously did for face to face meetings and posts it off to the member asking for proof of attendance. The member will need to give their postal address to the group secretary via private chat or message etc. It is not recommended that electronic versions of chits or emails are used as these can be easily forged.
Blank chits are now available from the General Service Office in York free of charge and can be requested by group, intergroup or regional officers. They use the group’s UID as a ‘signature’ to ensure that the group secretary’s anonymity is maintained, and they are printed with anti-counterfeit ink. For obvious reasons they can only be sent out to a group officer’s address that is already registered with AA Great Britain, so please ensure that your group secretary’s details are up to date, filling in a new ‘pink form’ if necessary.
Please get in touch if any information needed re the above.