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Introduction to Service

The groups are the powerhouse of Alcoholics Anonymous, and all related service committees, boards and officers exist primarily to serve them. Thus, the aim of Intergroup is to support the groups in the common purpose of carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic and, by using their combined strength and unity, to develop and maintain good relations with all organisations in the community.

If you or anyone you know might be interested in pursuing this rewarding aspect of recovery, then you are invited to come along to any Intergroup meeting, held on the second Monday of odd numbered months to ask questions and learn more. All meetings are held at Kensington United Reform Church, 16 Allen St, London, W8 6BL from 7:30pm.

Your groups GSR can help you with details and questions or put you in touch with a Service Committee member. The process of securing a Service Committee post starts by you asking your Group to nominate/sponsor you for the position in which you are interested, letting your GSR or a Service Committee member know of your interest and nomination, and coming along to the next full GSR Intergroup meeting, where you will be asked to give a brief verbal summary of your SERVICE CV before a vote is taken.

If you simply wish to come along to see how intergroup works you are very welcome to do so. Make sure to introduce yourself to the chair or secretary before the intergroup meeting starts so we can make you feel welcome, and we will be very happy to answer any questions you may have.