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Telephone responders needed
Two years sobriety needed – Training will be provided.
What Telephone Responders do:
Serve as the first contact most people have with AA
Pass their information to one of our people on the 12th Step list
Give a sympathetic response to the caller.
Provide information about AA and local meetings
Telephone Responders do not take on a 12th Step call themselves while they are on duty
There are many advantages to being a Telephone Responder – here are a few:
- You can do it from the comfort of your armchair
- The costs of all telephone calls you make are reimbursed
- Day, evening, night or weekend shifts to suit individual needs
- Be the first person a newcomer talks to
- Pay back a little of what was freely given to you.
Remember – Service is the key.
We receive many calls but the most important calls are those from the still-suffering alcoholic asking for help.
Calls originating from within our Intergroup are passed on to a listed 12th Stepper who is an AA member with at least one year’s sobriety from within our Intergroup in the nearest locality to the caller.
12th Steppers needed
One year sobriety required – Training will be provided.
The most important job we do after we get sober ourselves is to pass the message to any newcomer.
If you are a year sober and are able to actively work with a newcomer, make sure your name is on the confidential list held by the Telephone Liaison Officer. A copy of this list is held by each Telephone Responder.
Your information will never be passed to anyone else unless you give us permission, including the newcomer.
When we get a call via the freephone number from someone who needs help, our duty Telephone Responder will take as much information as they can from the caller including contact number, name, approximate age, general situation, working or not working, drinking or not drinking, living alone or with a partner and then passes this information out to the nearest same sex 12th Stepper on their list. Which might be YOU.
Please contact our Telephone Liaison Officer to register your interest and for more details.