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Willingly made a decision

MY name is Sue and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic.

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MY name is Sue and I’m a grateful, recovering alcoholic. When I admitted my addiction to alcohol and reached Step Three, I willingly made a decision to turn my will and life over to the care of God as I understand him.  This was humbling and honest. I was willing to go to any lengths to get well. To ask my Higher Power, whom I choose to call God - a universal force I cannot see, yet I trust - to remove my craving for alcohol as I could not do it alone, and had tried many times.  I knew I was ready.  Within two days, after many years of drinking, of trying the same thing to stop and experiencing the same effect. I learnt that this is insanity - yet it made sense - at last!  I was converted there and then to a Power greater than me.  My spiritual experience, an epiphany! Alcohol was but a symptom of my illness.  I was the problem!  I abandoned myself to God and asked Him, and do every morning, to remove all my character defects that had been blocking my view of Him.

I say the third and seventh prayer each morning, plus acceptance. Read my books.  These things keep me grounded before I rush off into my day. Nothing comes before that. Also on my knees, I ask Him for a sober, sane, calm day, and to remove my character defects - any resentments and fears as fear is a big problem at times.  I also pray for other suffering and recovering alcoholics. Always ending with “Thy will be done, not mine”.

Having a sponsor to take me through the Twelve Steps was amazing, at times a little scary, but so necessary if I was to keep this precious recovery. My sponsor was, and still is, very understanding and supportive.  I have always done, and will do, all that is suggested regarding my sobriety and general wellbeing. 

Walking into the arms of AA, I know I have ‘struck gold’. To all newcomers - try this way of life, you will not regret it. It has saved my life and countless others.  There is no cure for our illness, abstinence works with the Twelve Steps.  Today I have a life beyond my wildest dreams and I have so much gratitude.

SUE W, Bournemouth