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Survey 2025

Every five years the Fellowship of AA in GB and English Speaking Continental Europe undertakes a membership wide survey. Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Survey was the first to be undertaken online and the 2025 Survey will be carried out using the same method.

The overarching aim of the Survey is to capture current trends and learn more about the Fellowship in GB and Continental Europe so that AA’s message of recovery may be disseminated more effectively to the still suffering alcoholic. Additionally, the survey can inform the Fellowship, Conference and the GSB, how resources can be best allocated and communicated to both the professional community and the Fellowship.

The survey is caried out over two phases: the Group Survey, followed by the Member’s Survey. The first phase of the Survey is due to launch in early 2025. To participate your Group simply needs to be registered with GSO and have a valid email address for the Group to be contacted on. If you are not registered, please contact: Paper copies will be available on request.