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AA welcomes everyone, regardless of anyone’s family origins, faith, or beliefs. AA is aware that many people of colour may not have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, or they may feel unable to attend Fellowship Meetings due to the perceived shame it would bring on them & their family.

“Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us, or we perish.”
Extract from the book Alcoholics Anonymous– Bills Story, pg16.

Hands clasping - Religious communities

How AA can help

  • AA meetings are held in a variety of venues which include Meeting halls, Council buildings, Hospitals, Churches, Gudwaras, Mandirs, Synagogues and Sports centres.
  • AA can arrange a meeting with you and your organisation to inform you about Alcoholics Anonymous, which regions and what countries AAGB covers. If you would like more information, please contact us via email:
  • To assist you, AA offers support, advice, and guidance on how to let your staff know that AA is there to support them and help them with their dependency on alcohol.
  • If someone asks you for guidance, or you’re concerned about a problem drinker, our helpline number is 0800 9177650.  If possible, call the number with the person and hand them the phone.

The AA telephone helpline is staffed by AA members, who will offer to arrange for a member who is local to them to make contact and take them to a nearby meeting.


  • In Britain there are now translations of the book “Alcoholics Anonymous” into over thirty languages including Hindi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Turkish, and Arabic with many more translations available.
  • The various pamphlets about different aspects of the Fellowship are also now in many Asian, European, and other languages and AA keeps a list of members that speak different languages at its Southern Service Office in London to help with calls from non-English speaking people from ethnic minority backgrounds.
  • The pamphlet ‘AA at a Glance’ is available in the Literature Downloads of the Document Library in Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Gujarati, Tamil and Bengali