Find a meeting

  1. Send to AA General Service Office (GSO) an update form with your contact information for the AA Confidential Directory. This Directory is used to allocate AA email addresses and so you need to be listed in it in order to get an AA email address. Listing in the Directory also allows other elected AA officers to see that you are in role and to contact you on the contact information you provide. A copy of the update form is available from the Document library; go to Forms → then click on “Intergroup and Region Officer Registration Form.docx”
  2. Next, apply for your AAmail email address. Use this link: AA Email Address Online Request Form It’s good to have an AA email address as it makes you seem more professional to outside organisations and can preserve your personal anonymity. It also facilitates continuity between officers: once you rotate out, the incoming person can use the same address.
  3. Understanding the Role: what does it involve and what’s been done so far
  4. Find out if there was a YPLO at your Intergroup before you. If so, contact them, and ask for a handover. If not, you have the privilege of establishing the role.
  5. Read the AA Service handbook chapter on the Young Persons’ Liaison Role. Document available on the Document library. Go to Handbooks → then click on the latest AA Service Handbook for Great Britain document
  6. Once you have your AA email address, you can request access to the Confidential Directory using the AA Helpdesk form.
  7. Call the Regional YPLO, who is elected to support you as an Intergroup YPLO and coordinate between Intergroup YPLOs. Their number should be in the Confidential Directory.

Find yourself a service sponsor. A service sponsor is someone who is experienced doing service within the AA service structure (Intergroup, Region, Conference, etc.) and who is able to guide you in accordance with the Twelve Steps and Twelve Concepts. This could be your normal AA sponsor, or your Regional YPLO officer, or someone else.

During the announcements part of AA meetings, in your intergroup area and elsewhere, announce yourself as the YPLO for your intergroup and briefly state that you are available to guide young people in their early days in AA, and to help members to get involved in service. Say that they can speak to you after the meeting, especially if they want to get involved in carrying the message to young people and 12th stepping young people.

Create a list of young people you know who are available to do service. Share this list with me, so that we have centralised data. Service opportunities include:

  • Peopling stalls at university welfare and freshers’ events
  • Talks at schools and universities
  • Talks to members of staff at institutions that serve young people
  • Twelfth stepping young people who ring the AA helpline
  • Make a list of young people’s institutions you have a personal connection to and that you may be able to contact. For instance, did you attend university or school in London? Share this info with me and I can help facilitate making possible contact.

  • Unilaterally contacting organisations without consulting the Intergroup in the relevant area first.
  • Taking new actions without running them past your service sponsor or Region YPLO first.

If in doubt, ask your Regional YPLO.