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Starter Information for Intergroup Officers

Welcome to all YPLOs

Information for Intergroup Officers

I’m so glad you’ve decided to take up young people’s service at Intergroup level. This guide is designed to offer information to help you get off to a productive start.

The guidance in this pack is based on the service and structure handbooks and the experience of one YPLO / RYPLO who has performed service at Intergroup level for two-and-a-half years. It makes no claim to be authoritative. It is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive. As described, its intention is to provide incoming YPLOs with information to help them get going in their role.

If you find elements of it useful, please make use of them; anything that is not useful, please disregard. If you have comments or suggestions that you think could improve this starter pack, please contact the Young Person’s subcommittee. We would be delighted to hear from you!