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  • Be available to attend all National Telephone Sub-Committee (NTSC) meetings in York.
  • Take part in all conference/skype calls.
  • Attend Regional Telephone Liaison Officers (RTLO) annual meeting held in York.
  • Assist NTSC in answering any Conference questions/recommendations.
  • Assist in  updating relevant information regarding the Telephone Services, Chapter Ten – The AA Service Handbook for Great Britain 2013.
  • Assist in facilitating any national Seminars.

  • Take minutes at each NTSC meeting and produce minutes for distribution to all NTSC members, Board Trustee and General Service Board (GSB).
  • Additionally take any minutes during conference/Skype calls and produce minutes for distribution to all NTSC members, Board Trustee and GSB.
  • Take minutes at annual  RTLO meeting,  incorporating RTLO reports, then produce minutes for distribution to all NTSC members, Board Trustee, GSB, GSO and RTLOs.
  • Liaise with GSO staff for effective and cost-efficient distribution of minutes. Ensure GSO Staff have copies on NTSC meeting minutes – FOR ARCHIVES NOT GENERAL DISTRIBUTION TO THE FELLOWSHIP.
  • Work with sub-committee to ensure that Inbound Services bank account is operating smoothly and efficiently, acting as a signatory on bank mandate. Counter sign any checks for contributions to GSO.
  • Assist NTSC in answering any Conference questions/recommendations, updating relevant chapters in the AA Service and Structure Handbooks for Great Britain 2013, and facilitating any national seminar.

  • Produce financial statement reports for the Inbound Services bank accounts.
  • Produce annual contributions letter for all Regional Treasurers setting the following year’s contribution levels in March for the forthcoming year.
  • Calculate any Region overpayments and arrange for these to be paid to GSO on an annual basis, in March each year.
  • Calculate GSO contributions at financial the year end (end February) and arrange for payment to GSO in March each year – cheques to be counter-signed by at least one other Sub-Committee member.
  • Produce year end financial statements for all Regions and send out in March each year to all Regional Treasurers and RTLOs.
  • Ensure that Inbound Services bank accounts are operated smoothly and efficiently, acting as a signatory on the bank mandate. Sign any checks for contributions to GSO.
  • Ensure that a minimum of three signatories are available from NTSC as the bank requires a minimum of two signatures. Any less than three available signatures is a cause for concern.
  • Monitor the amount of available funds in the current account and reserve account.
  • Receive monthly notification of BT bills, which is presently paperless and all conducted online. PDF copies of these bills are downloaded and saved, should paper copies be required by other members of the committee, or for auditing purpose

  • Produce Inbound Services report giving a general overview of the AA National number call statistics.
  • Update and maintain quarterly and annual statistic reports held in the AA Telephone Service File Store.
  • Receive monthly ERD National call statistics from BT Inbound Architect. Upload information into Inbound Analyst software on a monthly basis.
  • Use Inbound Analyst to generate caller statistics for the fellowship, on a quarterly and annual basis. Quarters run Jan-Mar, Apr-June, July-Sep, Oct-Dec. Annual runs Jan-Dec.
  • Caller statistics reports are produced for each telephone service, by Region. 39 Telephone Services, with additional 7 Regional totals reports, plus 1 total service report; therefore 47 reports produced every quarter and made available by the month end after each quarter.
  • 47 annual caller statistic reports are required by the end of January each year (at the same time as the final quarterly reports, thus 94 reports to be produced in January).
  • Upload these reports to the Telephone Statistics Directory in the AA Telephone File Store.
  • Use annual caller statistics report to generate the Conference report by end January.
  • Generate adhoc, specific, reports requested by RTLOs.
  • Isolate and report any PI 0845 calls (we have unique PI numbers), generating statistics for any Conference, or Board, approved campaigns.
  • Monitor successful v unsuccessful calls and notify sub-committee, and board trustee, of any instances where unsuccessful call percentage exceeds 20% on a regular basis, or where the unique caller lost calls exceeds 5%. Main focal point being any Ring Tone No Reply (RTNR) calls where the caller has been ringing in excess of 20 seconds.
  • Monitor the percentage of landline v mobile calls and compare these to previous years.
  • Monitor and report any calls lasting over 59 minutes, as these have potential cost implications to the local telephone services.
  • Use online software for current call analysis. This software shows successful v unsuccessful call ratios for 21-day rolling window and can be drilled down to see times of successful and unsuccessful calls on a daily basis for each local number.
  • Attend Inbound Analyst and Inbound Architect training where and when necessary.
  • Work with sub-committee to ensure that Inbound Services bank account is operating smoothly and efficiently, acting as a signatory on bank mandate. Counter sign any checks for contributions to GSO.

  • Produce summary report of any document updates, directory listings; additionally reply to any queries.
  • Act as main point of contact for all RTLOs.
  • Respond to any standard e-mail requests from RTLOs
  • Update and maintain all documents held in the AA Telephone Service File Store. This includes RTLO annual meeting minutes. Quarterly AA (GB) Telephone Service map, lists of services, guidelines and presentations.
  • Update, maintain and distribute the AA (GB) Telephone Service Towns A-Z Directory.  RTLOs to report any amendments, additions and deletions at annual RTLO meeting, these to be processed and an updated directory produced by November. This to be distributed to the fellowship via RTLOs and available in the AA Telephone File Store.
  • All reports and fixed documents to be uploaded to the Telephone File Store and distributed in ‘pdf’ format, so that the minimum space is used and the integrity of the documents are protected.
  • Liaise with GSO to ensure that relevant documents on the AA (GB) Service Document Library website are up to date and correct.
  • Ensure that the AA National number appears in the front of the Phone Book, under the “helpline sections” and where appropriate within the business sections.
  • Work with the Sub-Committee to ensure that the Inbound Services bank account is operating smoothly and efficiently, acting as a signatory on the bank mandate. Counter sign any checks for contributions to GSO.