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Service Vacancies

A list of service vacancies for each discipline are listed below.

A sub-committee is made up of alcoholics with usually five years sobriety and service experience down the AA structure. It is a committee that delivers Conference recommendations, and is chaired by a Trustee of the General Service Board.

All sub-committee members go through an application and interview process. There are usually vacancies listed quarterly in AASN, together with a deadline for submission for application and criteria which you will need to meet as part of your application.

It’s a rewarding job being on a sub-committee, by both carrying the message and the conscience of the Fellowship.

Sub Committee Application Form


When applying for any of the sub-committee vacancies below, please obtain an up-to-date application form from either Jenny Pryke at GSO, PO Box 1, 10 Toft Green, York Y01 7NJ: 01904 644026; or from the Document Library

The chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer or a currently serving liaison officer of the sponsoring region or intergroup must endorse the application by way of a covering letter. GSO will need to receive this covering letter by the application deadline.

If there is no covering letter by the specified deadline, then you will not be eligible for interview. For any of the vacancies, you will need:

  • Five years continuous sobriety
  • A good understanding and use of the Steps. and Traditions, the AA Service and Structure Handbooks for Great Britain, and other Conference approved AA literature
  • Good experience in carrying out service at different levels of the AA service structure
  • An understanding and appreciation of the relationship between the General Service Board (GSB) and sub-committees Sub-committee applicants will be interviewed by two GSB members of the Nominations Committee in a single interview through an online platform, at a time agreed by the applicants.

Successful candidates will be expected to attend four meetings a year; two of these will normally be in York, but the other two may be held via an online platform. The term of service is usually 4 years.

The deadline for application is 4th April 2025

It is advisable to talk to the relevant Trustee before you apply or upon submitting your application. If you have any questions about specific responsibilities of service on a subcommittee, then please contact the relevant Trustee by using the details /links found below each vacancy notice.



The Share Sub Committee has a vacancy for a Liaison Officers’ Coordinator for Share, AA’s monthly magazine in England and Wales.

This is a new role created to undertake some of the tasks currently carried out by the Editor.

The Liaison Officers’ Coordinator will support the Share Sub Committee through maintaining regular contact with the Regional and Intergroup Share Liaison Officers, regularly reviewing  Share web pages and overseeing the Share FileStore. In addition, you will maintain and update the contact information regarding Intergroup and Regional SLOs by liaising with GSO Admin staff.

Feedback from AA members, which is sent directly from the website or emailed via GSO, needs to be collated and made available to the team. The role will also involve reading and scoring all articles, circulated weekly to the team, to provide a guide for suitability to publish.

The monthly production of Share magazine is a team effort; it is essential for the Liaison Officers’ Coordinator to be an experienced team player with good experience of service within AA including service at Intergroup and preferably service at Region. Computer and email competence is indispensable.

This is a four-year unpaid commitment, although expenses may be claimed. Applicants must have a minimum of five years continuous sobriety at the time of application. They should be familiar with Conference-approved literature, Alcoholics Anonymous, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, AA Comes of Age, Twelve Concepts and the AA Structure and Service Handbooks for Great Britain. The Share Sub Committee holds up to 4 meetings per year, either in person at York GSO, or online. These meetings are an integral part of this role and attendance is a requirement. The day-to-day business of the Team is carried out electronically.

Charon B Trustee for Share,  It is advisable to talk to the Trustee before you apply or upon submitting your application.   Closing date for applications is: 4th April 2025

An up-to-date Sub Committee Application Form is available from either Jenny Pryke at GSO, PO Box 1, 10 Toft Green, York Y01 7NJ: 01904 644026; or download from AAGB website

by selecting Forms in Category box.

There are vacancies on the Archives Sub Committee of the General Service Board (GSB).The Archives Sub Committee advises the GSB on issues concerning the care and management of AAGB’s Archives and reports to the Board through the Trustee responsible for Archives.

The Archives Sub Committee works with archivists at the Borthwick Institute to develop and enhance AA archive, while managing access to it for the purpose of research. Other AA archives are held by regions and intergroups, and are looked after by local archivists. The Archives Sub Committee liaises with these archivists through the Archive Network of regional and intergroup archivists.

The main AA Archive is now located at the Borthwick Institute for Archives of the University of York.

In addition to the standard requirements, some experience of archival work is desirable – especially experience as an intergroup or regional archivist within AA. Some knowledge of AA history is also advantageous, as are good communication and IT skills.

For more information about the vacancy, please contact John C Trustee for Archives

The Armed Services Sub Committee is looking for new members to join a committed team who are passionate about finding innovative ways of passing the message of recovery to past and present members of Armed Services.

Experience in intergroup and/or regional Armed Service Liaison or other relative experience would be advantageous, and good organisation and communication skills are desirable. The ability to produce written and verbal reports would be an advantage, as well as relevant IT skills. Service within the Armed Service is desirable but not essential.

The principal aim of the Sub Committee is to raise awareness throughout the Fellowship and to Armed Service communities and their supported community groups.

Its objects are to:

  • Raise awareness of Alcoholics Anonymous within all areas of the Armed Services community, including serving persons, veterans, and their families
  • Establish and maintain good relations with professionals and professional bodies connected with the Tri-services
  • Offer support and advice to regional Armed Services Liaison Officers • Be responsible for the Armed Services 12 Stepper list
  • Assist in the implementation of Conference recommendations

For more information about the vacancy, please contact John C Trustee for Armed Services

There are vacancies on the Employment Sub Committee of the General Service Board (GSB) of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Our primary functions are to:

  • Create a consistent message externally that differentiates AA from other bodies
  • Establish and maintain good relations with professionals and professional bodies at national level
  • Establish and maintain good relations with employers and companies at national level
  • Increase public and professional knowledge of the AA programme
  • Offer support to Regional and Intergroup Liaison Officers
  • Create and maintain an accurate system of record keeping for future officers and events
  • Communicate effectively with the Fellowship.
  • Comply with the principles and guidelines of AA.

For more information about these vacancies, please contact Tony S, Trustee for Employment

There are vacancies on the newly formed First Response Online Sub Committee of the General Service Board.

The new sub-committee comprises a group of people organising the initial contact, the first response, to the still suffering alcoholic via email or instant chat channels.

Chat Now:

The main purpose of the Chat Now Help Desk is to answer live, real-time queries from the still suffering alcoholic and to direct them to the telephone helpline and/or to a meeting.

Responders working from their home computers have live 1-on-1 conversations with people who are often just starting their journey or maybe questioning if they should do so.

For more information on the service and an application, please email us at:

Online Response Service:

The main purpose of the Online Response Service (ORS) is to help the still suffering alcoholic who writes an email to and is looking for fellowship and answers to their recovery.

For more information on the service please email


Rotation has created the opportunity for new members to join this dedicated team.

If you have experience at intergroup and / or region preferably as a Health Liaison Officer (HLO) or in a complementary discipline, we would welcome your application. You will need to understand the relationship between the General Service Board (GSB) and the Health Sub Committee.

The primary role of the Health Sub Committee is to:

  • Carry the message and increase the awareness of Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12 Step programme at all health-related establishments as appropriate
  • Implement health initiatives as directed by the GSB on the recommendation of Conference Provide support to Regional and Intergroup HLOs by providing information and advice
  • Create and encourage open communication channels with regional and intergroup HLOs
  • Establish relationships with health professionals and professional bodies at regional and national levels

For more information about these vacancies, please contact Carmel G,

To enable the Literature Sub Committee of the General Service Board (GSB) to fulfil its role of:

  • Considering needs for new literature
  • Undertaking selective review of the content and appearance of the entire range of the literature published by the Fellowship in Great Britain
  • Assessing literature for its suitability for revision or discontinuance
  • Work on material as requested by Conference Its members would have a sound understanding of the Conference process (Conference experience is highly desirable, but an understanding of the process does not need to come solely from having attended Conference).

Essential requirements:

  • Have time between committee meetings to work on assigned projects, liaise with other committee members, provide feedback on projects other members are working on, and prepare for committee meetings by reading all relevant materials
  • Be familiar with the wide range of AA literature
  • Have a sound command of English written grammar and style
  • Be familiar with word processing and email programmes, as well as file-sharing
  • The ability to work collaboratively as a contributing member of the Sub Committee. Most projects require members to work together in close collaboration, including in pairs or small groups, in the production of multiple drafts, with detailed editing, towards a final version
  • The ability to work towards set deadlines

For more information about these vacancies, please contact Jo F

The Prison Sub Committee is looking for new members to join its committed and vibrant team.

We are looking for a good geographical and gender spread of members who have experience of taking AA into prisons. Preferably with liaison officer experience at either intergroup and region, and attendance at Conference. A good understanding and use of our Traditions is required.

Our principal aim is to assist, appoint and support intergroup and regional liaison officers. We are keeping track of which prisons host AA meetings, and if not, we are encouraging local liaison officers to investigate the possibility of taking AA’s involvement into those prisons, providing a coordinated approach to prison service.

Other prison sub-committee work would be to:

  • help identify successful and problem areas
  • assist in the implementation of Conference recommendations
  • hold a Regional Prison Liaison Officers meeting annually in York

You would be expected to attend both on-line and face-to-face meetings in York. We welcome your application to join our friendly and innovative team.

For more information, please contact Zelma K,

We are looking for members who:

  • Meet sub-committee criteria and are enthusiastic about probation / criminal justice service, preferably from different geographical areas
  • Are willing to serve in the role, raising awareness of AA among professionals and professional bodies connected with the criminal justice systems of Great Britain
  • Enjoys passing information on probation / criminal justice services matters throughout the Fellowship
  • Can offer advice, support and encouragement to liaison officers by assisting the structure to function effectively, and encourage new appointments to criminal justice liaison posts
  • Can assist with developing and maintaining appropriate resources for liaison officers.
  • Have good organisational and communication skills along with the ability to produce written and verbal reports
  • Have the willingness to work as part of a team who are directly responsible to the General Service Board, and comply with the principles and guidelines of AA.

For more information about these Probation and Criminal Justice vacancies, please contact Hamish McS,

Roundabout – Could You Be Our New Assistant Editor?

Following our recent article on the role of a proofreader we had an excellent response and look forward to welcoming new members to the Roundabout Sub Committee soon.

For some time now, we have been without an Assistant Editor and this is a role I used to do myself before taking over as Editor, so I think I can give you an honest view of the role and work involved!

The Assistant Editor is there is back up the Editor who logs the incoming articles, arranges editing with the proofreaders and creates the magazine from scratch each month along with various other tasks. In an ideal world, the Assistant would create the magazine one month in every three to give the Editor some room for other work and would take over the administration of articles. This involves logging each submission and sending batches on to proofreaders for editing, and then logging them ‘back in’ afterwards.

General knowledge of computer use is essential but full training will be provided on the software we use (called Adobe InDesign).

All of the magazines follow a template and this, therefore, can make it a simple task of copying and pasting. If this sounds daunting, remember the Editor is always there for help and support, so you are not alone.

With Roundabout being a monthly publication, the work needed is regular (weekly) 46 AA Service News Summer 2024 but not too onerous.

There is no pressure for the Assistant Editor to take over as Editor after rotation. This is a four-year service position, and if you do take over as Editor, you can extend the term to six years.

If you think this is something you would like to consider, please get in touch with me by dropping me an email at the address below.

Cath Editor

Rare Service Opportunity to Take the Pulse of AA


The General Service Board (GSB) Survey Sub Committee (SSC) seeks new members to assist in executing the next membership-wide survey. Strategic planning sessions were launched summer 2022. Minimum 5 years sobriety. Details and application info below.

What is the Pulse of AA Post-Pandemic?

Every five years the GSB, as mandated by Conference, conducts a membership-wide survey to keep abreast of trends in our Fellowship’s characteristics. The survey provides factual numbers for the professional community and public as prescribed by our primary purpose, to carry the message to those suffering from alcoholism.

The pandemic and its subsequent restrictions, however, upended ‘business as usual’. In particular, a groups’ reliance on ‘snail mail’ to receive important communications.

Consequently, the SSC, responsible for planning, execution and managing the 2020 survey, had to pivot at the 11th hour, and deploy an online-only survey model. Despite reaching only groups with an email contact on record with York, the survey produced critical key insights gathered from over 3000 Groups in Great Britain and the Continental Europe Region (CER).

Rare Opportunity

Valuable lessons were learned by the SSC from its first digital survey undertaking. Lessons it seeks to leverage, ensuring that the next survey measures what is most important to members, the public and the professional community in these fast-changing times.

But currently, the SSC is disadvantaged with too few committee members. The SSC’s problem, therefore, offers you a rare opportunity to join its existing core team as they begin strategic planning for the 2025 Survey

Apply Now Send your application (or questions) to Gretchen S. GSB Trustee for the Survey at

The Telephones Sub Committee comprises a group of people organising the initial contact or first response, to the still suffering alcoholic via the telephone.

Experience of the telephone service at regional or intergroup level and a willingness to use and be informed about current communication systems would be an advantage. The role may require frequent contact with members involved in the telephone service at all levels of the Fellowship.

Requirements for the telephones sub-committee are to:

  • Maintain the existing telephone system to enable the suffering alcoholic access to a local contact through a single national telephone number, in a manner which is efficient, effective and economic. • Keep the use and cost of the system under constant review.
  • Be involved in all changes to the system and to liaise with the system provider following consultation with regions.
  • Investigate any new technology which may be beneficial to the Fellowship’s telephone service
  • Maintain a constant review of the facilities offered by other service providers.

Please specify you are applying for NTL sub-committee.

For additional information please contact the NTL Trustee: Levey Patocs,

We invite you to join the Young Person’s Sub Committee!

Are you ready to make a real difference in AA? Join the Young Person’s Sub Committee and be a part of a team that is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment that meets the unique needs of young people in AA.

By joining our sub-committee, you’ll participate in impactful initiatives such as hosting roadshows, circulating helpful resources and supporting the creation of young person’s meetings. As a member of the team, you’ll work alongside like-minded individuals who share a passion for developing AA.

Main aims:

  • To assist in the recruitment and support of YPLO’s at Intergroup and Region levels
  • To support the development of good practice and review/update literature, media resources and guidelines (subject to approval)
  • To establish and maintain good relationships with professionals and professional bodies

Experience of working as a Young Person’s Liaison Officer (YPLO) at either intergroup or region level would be an advantage but is not essential. Good organisational and communication skills will be required, along with a strong grasp of AA service structure, guidelines and traditions.

If you have any questions contact Holly A (Young People’s Sub Committee Trustee) before or upon submitting your application