Intergroup Service and Vacant Positons
The groups are the powerhouse of Alcoholics Anonymous, and all related service committees, boards and officers exist primarily to serve them. Thus, the aim of Intergroup is to support the groups in the common purpose of carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic and, by using their combined strength and unity, to develop and maintain good relations with all organisations in the community.
Vacant Positions
Armer Services Liaison Officer – 2 years sobriety required
The Armed Forces Liaison aims to establish contact with any currently serving members of the armed forces or veterans, who may be experiencing alcohol problems. They will make contact with and maintain relationships with any appropriate installations, barracks, charities and professional service providers in order to carry the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic who has served with the armed services. The Armed Forces Liaison will be expected to intergroup meetings, making a short verbal report of any activities undertaken.
Employment Liaison Officer – 2 years sobriety required
The Employment Liaison Officer assumes responsibility for interfacing with all sectors of commerce and industry, developing and maintaining contact lists. The focus of the task is closely linked with that of the Public Information Rep, so that close coordination between these two posts is essential. It is also helpful to be in contact with the Prison and Health Reps with the aim of forming a committee of fellow AAs willing to pass the message. The committee can then coordinate with employers by informing them about AA, what we are, what we can and cannot do. We let them know we are available to help in any way we can when they call on us.
Health Liaison Officer – 2 years sobriety required
The Health Liaison Representative, in conjunction with the Public Information Representative, aims to establish contact with any health personnel who are likely to come into contact with anyone who may be experiencing an alcohol problem. Through the use of AA literature, videos, attendance at meetings and word of mouth from fellow recovering alcoholics, show that AA works. Maintain a list of contacts and keep in touch with them. It is also helpful to be in contact with the Prison and Employment Liaisons with the aim of setting up a committee of fellow AAs will to pass the message. The committee can then coordinate with professionals by informing them about AA, what we are and what we can and cannot do. We let them know we are available to help in any way we can when they call on us. The Health Liaison Officer will be expected to attend Intergroup meetings, making a short verbal report of any activities undertaken.
Prison and Probation Liaison Officer – 2 years sobriety required
General guidelines applying to all Intergroup PLOs include keeping informed via Region and GSO on Home Office and Conference policy with regards to specific subjects such as parole, the use of AA tapes and other published AA materials, and helping prison sponsors with problems and concerns. The GSO and General Service Board maintain excellent contact with the Home Office Prison Department. Intergroup should communicate with GSO regarding problems that may arise. The Prison Liaison coordinates closely with the Probation Representative and arranges prison sponsors to carry the message to inmates through correspondence and one-to-one contact. The PLO is expected to attend monthly Intergroup meetings and make a short verbal report of current activities.
Share Representative – 2 years sobriety required
The Share Representative is responsible for promoting the circulation of Share Magazine; the official AA monthly magazine produced by GSO; within the Intergroup, by encouraging subscriptions at group level, encouraging written contributions of experience, strength and hope for inclusion in future editions, and urging other officers to include relevant events and activities in the magazineâ??s publication. The Share Rep will be expected to attend Intergroup meetings, making a short verbal report of any activities undertaken.
Telephone Liaison Officer – 2 years sobriety required
The Telephone Rep has overall responsibility for coordinating the phone teams that London West End Intergroup are responsible for filling on a monthly basis. This involves liaising with Team Leaders as to the status of their teams, recruiting reserves as necessary and ensuring that teams are phoned into the Telephone Office in good time (one week in advance). There is a Team Leaders (TLO) meeting at the Telephone Office every 2 months on a Thursday. The Telephone Rep should have an established period of continuous sobriety, ideally not less than two years and needs to have some experience in doing service at the Telephone office. A familiarization with the AA Service Manual and Twelve Concepts, the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain, the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, and AA literature in general. The Telephone Rep will be expected to attend Intergroup meetings, making a short verbal report of any activities undertaken
This booklet contains full descriptions of the West End Service Committee positions, and an outline of the role of Group Service Representative (GSR). In the tradition of AA, these are meant as guidelines and not rules. They are intended to be of assistance to any AA member interested in being involved in Intergroup service.
For further info please contact: