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Person walking up some colourful steps - Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step programme

Alcoholics Anonymous - here for you.

At AA, alcoholics help each other. We will support you. You are not alone. Together, we find strength and hope. You are one step away.

Call free 0800 917 7650, email or ask any questions in the live chat box.


Find explanatory and supportive films on how Alcoholics Anonymous can help.

Young People

Watch video ‘Young People”

Nobody is too young (or old!) to have a problem with alcohol. If your drinking is out of control, or you’re worried about it, watch our film.

Gratitude in Action

Watch video ‘Gratitude in Action”

75 Years of AA in Great Britain. Watch our video.

AA Public Information

Watch video ‘AA Public Information”

Alcoholics Anonymous Public Information video for Professionals.

When you need a helping hand
National Advertising Campaign 1st – 4th July 2024

On Monday 1st July AAGB launched its first national poster site campaign. Long ago it was decided that we should be Alcoholics Anonymous, not Alcoholics Invisible, and we look to carry our message of recovery to all who may need it.

Order and buy AA books and literature here.
Online Shop

Buy AA books here

You can purchase a range of AA literature, as well as CDs, DVDs, at our online shop.

NEW! Plain Language Big Book. A tool for reading Alcoholics Anonymous.